Thursday, March 1, 2012

Project Outline

I have decided to change the route of my paper. I'm not going to discuss the changes that occur ed in the ideal body after 1920. If I talk about each era I feel like the focus would change into more of a history of fashion. I want the focus to be on the before 1920 and after 1920. I feel like this is when the big change happened. This way I will also be able to put more of an emphasis on art, paintings not photography.

I think I might want to talk about what action people have taken in the later half of the 20th century to correct the pressure that is on women to have the ideal body. There were many feminist artists that were trying to correct the way our society views women. I will have to do more research to see if anything correlates with what I have already researched. I know I want to look in to the art of Judy Chicago, The Guerrilla Girls and other feminists.

I am questioning what type of a introduction to I need for this paper. Do I need to talk about what the purpose of art was; meaning why were women portrayed in a certain way. Why were women often the subject matter for artists?

Here is my new outline. Hopefully it is readable. It is a picture so if you click on it it should make it bigger.


  1. Thanks for the outline, Holly.

    I think it's wise to focus more tightly. In fact, my impression from comparing your blog post and your rough outline is that you will want to focus more still. The post promises a tight look at pre-post 1920, but I notice that the outline stretches from at least the latter 19th-c. to the late-mid 20th-c., a spread of a hundred years and several eras.

    Here's one thought. You mention the art of Judy Chicago in both your post and your outline. Perhaps, rather than focus on a historical trend for the mass media treatment of female beauty, or on any single historical era, why not focus on the difference between female beauty in mass culture and femaleness as presented by feminist artists, especially painters such as Judy Chicago?

  2. I agree. Even with the focusing it still feels like you are planning to do A LOT here. That may be ok for the beginning stage. As you read more about the crucial 1920 divide or about the work of recent feminist artists, as Mark suggested, I suspect that you will find something more specific that you will make your thesis about.

    So maybe the next step is to get into more readings about such issues of interest, and I suspect you will feel yourself starting to get more invested into a particular question. The funnel will narrow when you find what really grabs you.

    Good work and nice progress.
